Benjamin von Eckartsberg

Photo of Benjamin von Eckartsberg
Photo of Benjamin von Eckartsberg
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Benjamin von Eckartsberg, born in 1970, studied communication design at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and has been a member of the Munich studio community "Die Artillerie" since 1995, which also includes comic maker Uli Oesterle. In 1999, he coloured Thomas von Kummont's drawings for the second volume of the comic biography "Goethe - Zum Sehen Geboren, Zum Schauen Bestellt". From then on, the paths of the two artists crossed again and again. With von Kummant as the draughtsman for the first two volumes, he has been working on the comic adaptation of Wolfgang Hohlbein's successful novel series "Die Chronik der Unsterblichen" since 2002. In 2013, both began their first completely self-invented comic project: Gung Ho. Since 1993, Benjamin von Eckartsberg has worked as a freelance illustrator for publishing houses, advertising, film and television as well as for magazines. He continues the comic series "The Chronicle of the Immortals" as a scenarist with the Chinese artist Chaiko Tsai.

Gung Ho 5: Die weiße Flut