Ingo Römling

Photo of Ingo Römling
Photo of Ingo Römling
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Ingo Römling works as a freelancer in Berlin. After studying at the University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden he plunged directly into professional life and spent several years as a freelance cartoonist, as a company founder in the advertising industry, art director, graphic designer, illustrator and photoshop operator. In 2003 he started his own business. He has worked on the comic series "Star Wars" and "Star Wars Rebels" for Disney/Lucasfilm as well as - with author Peter Mennigen – on the album series "Malcolm Max" which is published by Splitter Verlag and now also celebrates success in other European countries. His SciFi comic series "Die Chroniken des Universums" ("The Chronicles of the Universe") is published by the major publishing house Delcourt in France, and thus he has become a household name for the french market. Since then he even contributed to the relaunch of the legendary "Métal Hurlant" magazine.

Ingo Römling's InstagramMalcolm Max 5 (Splitter 2022)Die Chroniken des Universums 2 (Splitter 2022)