
© Rochus Hahn
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The co-founder of the publishing house Schwarzer Turm is a jack of all trades. Whether as a scenarist for comics, actor, director or even wrestler, the subscribed permanent guest of the Comic Salon cannot resist any artistic challenge. He penned the scripts for "Das Wunder von Bern", "Sketchup" or "Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen" and the comic series "Alraune" and "Dokter Dipperz". More recently, Robi has turned to writing novels. The whimsical novel "Die Kunst, Elch-Urin frisch zu halten" (The Art of Keeping Moose Urine Fresh), he already published in 2015, and under the pseudonym R.P.Hahn he published his first Rügen crime novel "Der Korndämon" (The Corn Demon). The last one to appear was the romantic comedy "Vom Hunde verweht" and in July 2022 the second Rügen crime novel "Der Dünenteufel" will be published.