Max und Moritz Gala
Friday, June 17 2022
8:30 PM
22,00 Euro (Category 1)
16,00 Euro (Category 2)
Advance ticket sales as of 4 June.
On Friday, 17 June 2022 it is show time: Who is voted Best German-language Comic Artist? Which book will win an award for Best German-language Comic and Best International Comic? And which comic holds the highest regard with the audiences? The comic scene is eagerly waiting for the announcement of all Max und Moritz laureates 2022!
The award ceremony, which is regarded as one of the highlights of the Erlangen International Comic Salon, is hosted by the mayor of Erlangen, Dr Florian Janik, who will present the winners with the famous Max und Moritz medals and bread.
Presented by Hella von Sinnen and Christian Gasser.