Erdoğan – Comic zur Situation in der Türkei
Saturday, June 18 2022
4:00 PM Venue: Schloss, Aula
Adil Kaya in coversation with Anwar and Can Dündar, in English
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is considered one of the most controversial politicians of the 21st century. In "Erdoğan - A Graphic Novel", journalist Can Dündar and illustrator Mohamed Anwar trace the roots of his passion, document the tactics he used to gain support in liberal circles as the autocratic leader of an Islamic ruling party, and explain Turkey's path from a secular to an authoritarian Islamist country. The work surprises, fascinates and disillusions. In a conversation with Adil Kaya, President of the Film Festival Turkey Germany, they discuss their comic, the long road to the finished book and the current situation in Turkey.