Künstler*innen in interdisziplinärer Auseinandersetzung mit ihrem Comicschaffen
Lisa Frühbeis in conversation with Jennifer Daniel and Katharina Greve
Comic artist Lisa Frühbeis ("Busengewunder" - winner of the Max und Moritz Award for "Best Comic Strip" in 2020) talks to Jennifer Daniel ("Das Gutachten", Carlsen), Katharina Greve ("Die letzten 23 Tage der Plüm", avant-verlag) about ways of liberating comics from the book. They will talk about comics on the theatre stage, comics as web series, comic podcasts and comics in flowerbeds. Afterwards, Katharina Greve will read from her work.
As part of the 20th International Comic Salon, Comic Solidarity will present its own programme on the stage in Exhibition Hall C.
An event organised by Comic Solidarity in cooperation with the Illustratoren Organisation.