MAZINIBII’AN: Indigenous Animation from Canada (CA 2009–2021)
Samstag, 18.06.2022
16:00 UhrOrt: Lamm-Lichtspiele
Website Lamm-LichtspieleTickets online kaufen
Tickets: 9,–
with festival tickets: 7,–
A short film programme curated by Jason Ryle
Animated films, directed by Christopher Auchter, Terril Calder, Lisa Jackson, Zacharias Kunuk, Meky Ottawa, Alisi Telengut, 60 min, General Audiences, original versions with partial English subtitles
"Mazinibii'an" is a word of the Ojibwa, an indigenous tribe of North America, and means "to draw". The short film programme, curated especially for the Comic Film Fest, features animated films by indigenous filmmakers from six different "First Nations" from Canada. In their animations, the artists combine art and storytelling: A young woman rescues her love in the spirit realm; a true story about a visit to the afterlife; a young shaman must face her first test; a neon glimpse into the life of an urban Native; traditional beliefs struggle against modernity and for the survival of the planet; identity cracks and wounds of colonial history are reflected ...