Das Tier – Grafische Essays
Das Tier – Grafische Essays
16 to 19 JuneEx-Pfeiffer
Opening Hours:Thu 12 p.m.–7 p.m., Fri/Sat 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
In a course with Anke Feuchtenberger on "Animals & Religion", students at the Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften HAW Hamburg explored their relationship to animals. The starting point for their discussion was an illustration of the messianic banquet of the righteous, which in turn forms the basis of a text by Giorgio Agamben entitled "The Open. Man and Animal". Animal-headed beings sit together at a table: the bull, the griffin and the whale. Should animals be the ultimate righteous?
In exploring this question, the students mostly didn't come across anything funny in their graphic essays, yet tragedy coupled with cleverness always provokes a comic aspect. From paintings to small pen and ink drawings - the most diverse aspects of the perception of the animal are portrayed. Always subjective and poetic.
On display are works by Maria Bayer, Benedikt Beck, Luise Bornkessel, Lena Eiken-Lücken, Yara Jakoby, Sarah Kehrwieder, Christine Kerber, Lenni Kutzki, Laetitia Lucht, Johanna Meyer, Eva Platen, Lea Thater, Yuliia Ukrainets, Sigrid Unterwurzacher and Lotte Winkler.