Stefan Riedl Verlag / Medienvertrieb Riedl

Medienvertrieb Riedl & Stefan Riedl Verlag
Melchior Fangerstr. 1, 82205 Gilching
Tel. +49 / (0) 8105 / 7363111

Hall AStand16

Fair Exhibitor

Distribution & publishing since 1990. Already published as well as planned for 2022: Kromix 8 issues, Exzesse im Frauengefängnis, böse kleine welt, kranke comix spezial, Noe 5 volumes, Lucien GA, Pitje Pit GA, Valhardi GA, Oliver und Columbine GA, Minimenschen GA, Minimädchen GA, Dany GA, Chaland GA etc.
Distribution of comics, antiquarian bookshop 1950-today, remaining stock, out-of-print titles
Distribution of CDs, records, DVDs, film articles
Distribution of toys old & new
Organisation of the Comic Exchange for the Munich Comic Festival
Munich Film and Comic Exchange