Robert Günther – Jute Comics Verlag

Logo Jute Comics Verlag
Logo Jute Comics Verlag

Robert Günther / Jute Comics Verlag
Gehsener Str. 97, 12555 Berlin
Tel. +49 / (0) 178 / 4143999

Hall BStand87

Small Exhibitor

Jute Comics Verlag is a small comic publisher from the south-east of Berlin (Berlin-Köpenick). Since 2017, it has enriched the comic landscape in Berlin and always presents a new issue of the "Berlin Shorts" anthology series with short comic stories by, with and about Berlin and Berliners for the annual Comcinvasion Berlin.
Since 2019, the publisher has also been publishing short comic stories by young Berliners in the series "Berlin Beginners". The Berlin comic artist and self-publisher of Jute Comics Verlag, Robert Günther, will be present at the booth.