Comic-Übersetzung: Wie geht das?
Saturday, June 18 2022
11:00 AM to
12:30 PM Venue: Kollegienhaus, KH 1.013
Workshop with Myriam Alfano
95% of comics published in German are translated from other languages. In this workshop you will get an insight into the special challenges of the genre. How does spoken language come alive? What do you do with the sounds? And how do you fit the translation into the speech bubbles? After a short overview, everyone can have a go, work out their own solutions and discuss them in the group. Special language skills are not required!
In cooperation with Verband literarischer Übersetzer*innen VdÜ and Deutscher Übersetzerfonds.
Pre-registration required! Please send an e-mail to or call 09131/861408 by 15 June, and from 16 to 19 June you can only register in person at the information desk in Exhibition Hall A.