Künstlergespräch: Spirou oder: Die Hoffnung

Saturday, June 18 2022
5:30 PM
Venue: Schloss, Aula

Christian Gasser in conversation with Émile Bravo; in French; translation by Christian Gasser

Émile Bravo, born in 1964, made his debut as a comic artist in 1988. In 2009, his highly acclaimed "Spirou Spezial" volume " Porträt eines Helden als junger Tor" was published - he has just completed the four-volume series "Spirou oder: die Hoffnung", which builds on this. He has received the German Youth Literature Prize and the Max und Moritz Award, among others, for his German-language stories. For Émile Bravo, the fusion of comics and children's books is a central point of his work.